Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sister Jewelry How To Split Mom's Jewelry With Manipulative Sister?

How To Split Mom's Jewelry With Manipulative Sister? - sister jewelry

My sister is aggressive verbally and a master of manipulation. It's like this all his life. My parents and my brother died recently, and only two of us left. She lives outside the country. My mother left her jewelry in her will, but expressly noted that, although it would be split between us, I distribution. He did it because I was afraid that my sister would not be fair and do everything right. My sister and I are currently under discussion, and I think he is planning a visit to deliver this summer until the piece of jewelry. It would be a very unpleasant situation, as he wants to be very confrontational. It would be wrong for me to walk safely in the bank and make the division without him, and take some of my home? I want to know, of course, is what I did. And I would pretty well.


Anonymous said...

I think that is exactly what they do and must do the law on their side, the willingness of States to the split. Do not let your rhythm down with a confrontation if you tell him. Suffice it to say calmly that this is the only way he is. Follow what you want.

Anonymous said...

I see no problem with that. It is crazy, but if not it be different. Get out of the way to be fair, but make your favorite piece or two. Put if you are sure that it is not found, even if it exists.

Anonymous said...

I see no problem with that. It is crazy, but if not it be different. Get out of the way to be fair, but make your favorite piece or two. Put if you are sure that it is not found, even if it exists.

Anonymous said...

I see no problem with that. It is crazy, but if not it be different. Get out of the way to be fair, but make your favorite piece or two. Put if you are sure that it is not found, even if it exists.

Anonymous said...

I see no problem with that. It is crazy, but if not it be different. Get out of the way to be fair, but make your favorite piece or two. Put if you are sure that it is not found, even if it exists.

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