Thursday, February 18, 2010

How To Treat Severe Menorrhagia How To Treat Severe Menstrual Cramps Without Over The Counter Painkillers?

How to treat severe menstrual cramps without over the counter painkillers? - how to treat severe menorrhagia

I have some health problems, and take many medications, including lithium. I was told by my doctor not to take more medication for pain because of my interactions with prescription drugs. I had severe cramping for 3 days, and I tried all the traditional treatment (heat, motion,) stretch, and I make no relief. Has anyone other ideas?


catalyst... said...

Homeopathy is the right answer to these problems. Contact a homeopath in the area.

gargnish... said...

Here are a few simple tips for menstruation:

- Avoid foods causing the constipation, especially in the last weeks of the menstrual cycle. This includes fried foods, acidic foods and legumes rich in protein.

- Fish is a good indicator of the power of painful periods. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids to alleviate the cramps during menstruation to help.

- Avoid meat, poultry and dairy products.

- Loosen healthy diet and exercise and yoga help to menstruation.

- Foods rich in iron is also important for women suffering from anemia.

- Vegetables such as cabbage, papaya, club, snake gourd, bitter gourd and cucumber are good for the dysmenorrhea. Potatoes, yellow squash and eggplant should be avoided.

babygirl said...

I have the same problem, but the only way you can really do is stop drinking, to green tea and they drink heavily, in fact, as hot as I think my grandmother said that the support can be considered to dissolve blood clots or reduce the flow, or something you have to drink more than one cup, while still helping me, and I have cramps and severe vomiting that I barely move when the bed more information, e-mail and I will help you answer your question, if you send me something that I am on my period and now I can see convulsions, but not as bad as the use

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