Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2m Antennas Very Good Book What Insect Is This?

What insect is this? - 2m antennas very good book

I live in southern Queensland, Australia. I weed the garden and draw a thick trunk 2m tall grass, I noticed that he fall into some kind of error.

At a size of about 1 mm to 5 mm, feeds on the plant, and had two antennas, as things stand at 90 ° of the body, which came close to back-end errors. When I type the old meters whiskey.

Unlike all the results I found through Google, they have a long body like a Bristletail springtails or rather thick, rounded body tapering hemispheres as its front end.

Someone knows he can be?


1mango said...

This is probably the "What's GollyGosh Jungle Jump thingymajigger error Bugger.

You know very well cooked with garlic and ginger with a hint of the language of the giant toad

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